Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Lunch with Two Busy Ladies

It isn’t easy getting two of the busiest women I know together on the same day for lunch. With some careful planning, long-time friends Linda Anger, Lin Klaassen, and I were able to meet last week at my home and we sure had a lot of catching up to do!

On the top of the list was celebrating Anger’s newly published, “Sweeping the Floors of the Full Crumb Café”. This book of contemporary poetry, essays and short fiction invites the reader to a “metaphorical eatery where the door is always open and the food is always fresh”.  More details about the book can be found here

She clued us in on her latest project about the secrets we keep from each other and from ourselves. What kind of secrets? She is asking us to share any secret about our self-worth, our weaknesses, and our relationships. 

Anger (pictured on left) encourages you to send your sex fantasies, porn, or any secrets that would be offensive to the average person elsewhere. Secrets that answer the questions: what are people ashamed of? What are the “…if you knew the truth, you wouldn’t want to be my friend” secrets? What have people whispered to you when they start with “Don’t tell anyone”? She promises to keep your response totally confidential, and will never reveal your name. You can contact her at info@thewriteconcept.com

When not writing books, Anger is the President of The Detroit Working Writers  and the Owner of The Write Concept

Face Reader Lin Klaassen (pictured on right) can now add “cover girl” to her long list of accomplishments. She was highlighted in a wonderful article in the September-October 2014 issue of “Women 2 Women Michigan”, written by Elaine Stenger, Ph.D., touting her expertise as one of the top face reading experts in the world and is featured on the cover of the magazine. The full article can be viewed here.

The 3,000 year old method of face reading, commonly called physiognomy, has been scientifically validated to be 92% accurate and has a wide variety of applications, such as in jury selection, law enforcement, business hiring, dating, and in playing the game of poker. Klaassen travels the country as a keynote speaker and teaches workshops on this ancient art to corporate groups or organizations.

She is currently putting together webinars to feature basic face reading to singles actively dating that want to identify compatible or worrisome characteristics of their date as well as to poker players hoping to up their game. Her website is loaded with information on everything you could ever want to know about face reading, including how to get personal reading.

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