Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Maurer Marketing Minutes #21-Kevin Krason-BizNet Internet Solutions-2

Maurer Marketing Minutes #21-Kevin Krason-2 BizNet Internet Solutions
kevinkrason_cropped-headshot In Part Two of our two-part interview, Kevin Krason, Digital Expert and President of Biznet Internet Solutions, makes some predictions on the future of digital marketing. He says the focus will be on the expansion of online video content and portable access to the web from your cell phone. Kevin can be reached by phone at 248-560-9000, email him at or visit his website at
Direct download: MMM-21-Kevin_Krason-Biznet_Internet_Solutions-2.mp3

Monday, August 23, 2010

Maurer Marketing Minutes #20-Kevin Krason-BizNet

Maurer Marketing Minutes #20-Kevin Krason-BizNet

kevinkrason_cropped-headshot The methods of marketing to consumers are being shifted from “outbound” messaging (or interruptive advertising) to “inbound” messaging (or content marketing). In Part One of our two part interview, Kevin Krason, Digital Expert and President of Biznet Internet Solutions, takes us through the rapidly changing trends in digital technology and defines search optimization and content marketing. Kevin can be reached by phone at 248-560-9000, email him at or visit his website at
Direct download: MMM-20-Kevin_Krason-BizNetIs-1.MP3

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Maurer Marketing Minutes #19-Lori T. Williams-Your Legal Resource

Maurer Marketing Minutes #19-Lori T. Williams-Your Legal Resource
C_7418 mini Your business specialty, or niche market, determines how you will promote your product or service within your particular industry. Lori Williams, attorney and owner of Your Legal Resource, has found her niche as a legal matchmaker, connecting clients in need of legal advice or representation with experienced Metro Detroit attorneys. She tells us how to find our own niche. Lori can be reached at 248-594-4470 , email: or visit her website at
Direct download: MMM-19-Lori_T_Williams-Your_Legal_Resource.MP3

Monday, August 16, 2010

Maurer Marketing Minutes #18-Terry MacEwen-AdviCoach

Maurer Marketing Minutes #18-Terry MacEwen-AdviCoach
AdviCoach Tag What is the tactical Marketing Plan and how critical is it to the small business owner? Formerly with AdviCoach, Terry MacEwen, not only defines a tactical marketing plan but explains how to implement it. One of the tools he uses to educate his clients is the guerrilla marketing tactics that business guru Jay Conrad Levinson presents in his many books on the subject. Contact Terry at 248-726-7129, email:, and see what he's doing now at 
Direct download: MMM-18-Terry_MacEwen-AdviCoach.MP3

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Maurer Marketing Minutes #17-Mike Whelan-Your PC Pitstop

Maurer Marketing Minutes #17-Mike Whelan-Your PC Pitstop

mikewhelan Mike Whelan, of Your PC Pitstop, recently added a new business line and a new website, As part of a social media campaign to promote the site, he decided to use the Pay-Per-Click ads on Facebook. In our interview, he explains how the process works, how he has targeted the ads to reach specific demographics and the measurable results of this marketing decision. Call Mike at 248-557-1001 or email

Direct download: MMM-17-Mike_Whelan-Your_PC_Pit_Stop.MP3

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Maurer Marketing Minutes #16-Brandon Vanno-Digital IQ Graphics

Maurer Marketing Minutes #16-Brandon Vanno-Digital IQ Graphics
Digital IQ logo Branding expert Brandon Vanno, president of Digital IQ Graphics, knows that your company logo should reflect what your business is and does at its core. It is your identity, meant to grab attention and be recognizable at a glance. Most of all, he adds, it helps you to stand out among your competition. Do you have a logo that matches your tag line? Is your logo working for you? See samples of Brandon’s work on his website or call him at 248-663-1874 or email
Direct download: MMM-16-Brandon_Vanno-Digital_IQ.MP3

Monday, August 2, 2010

Maurer Marketing Minutes #15-Dave Tear-The Sales Coaches Corner

Maurer Marketing Minutes #15-Dave Tear-The Sales Coaches Corner
TearPhoto For most of us, giving referrals to our business associates is not a new concept. Shelves of books have been written about the subject, like “Endless Referrals” or “The Go-Giver” by Bob Burg. Networking organizations such as Local Business Network (LBN) or Business Network International (BNI) revolve around the referral giving concept. In this segment, Dave Tear, owner of The Sales Coaches Corner, gives us an in-depth definition of how to give qualified leads to our associates, what he calls “referrals on steroids”. Find out more about Dave by visiting his website at or give him a call at 248-514-4282 or email
Direct download: MMM-15-David_Tear-Sales_Coaches_Corner.mp3