Thursday, August 19, 2010

Maurer Marketing Minutes #19-Lori T. Williams-Your Legal Resource

Maurer Marketing Minutes #19-Lori T. Williams-Your Legal Resource
C_7418 mini Your business specialty, or niche market, determines how you will promote your product or service within your particular industry. Lori Williams, attorney and owner of Your Legal Resource, has found her niche as a legal matchmaker, connecting clients in need of legal advice or representation with experienced Metro Detroit attorneys. She tells us how to find our own niche. Lori can be reached at 248-594-4470 , email: or visit her website at
Direct download: MMM-19-Lori_T_Williams-Your_Legal_Resource.MP3


  1. Hi Lori

    This is an excellent interview. You are a true professional with both great expertise and tremendous resources available through your extensive top quality network.

    Barry Demp

  2. www.dempcoaching.comSeptember 8, 2010 at 9:40 AM

    Excellent interview Lori and Sandra. I always love to get my information in such clear and crisp communications. Thanks

    Barry Demp
