Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Maurer Marketing Minutes #6-Patrick Karbon-ALP Music

Maurer Marketing Minutes #6-Patrick Karbon-ALP Music

PatKarbon_032510_01 According to Wikipedia, a jingle is defined as a memorable short tune with or without lyrics that is used in radio or television commercials and usually associated with an advertising slogan. Or, as in the case of ALP Music, used in motion pictures as well. Patrick Karbon, VP of Marketing, tells how their company produced jingles for the Detroit Windsor International Film Festival and for an upcoming movie production. Can a jingle become part of your brand? You can reach Patrick at 313-445-0597 , email pat.karbon@alpmusic.com, visit their website at www.alpmusic.com.

Direct download: Patrick_Karbon-ALP_Music.mp3

Monday, June 28, 2010

Maurer Marketing Minutes #5-Pam Jackson-Michigan State Senate Candidate

Maurer Marketing Minutes #5-Pam Jackson-Michigan State Senate Candidate

Pam Jackson photo We love them. We hate them. But no matter what your opinions are about politicians, Republican or Democrat, we can all agree that those campaigning for public office are the masters of networking. Pam Jackson, democratic candidate for Michigan State Senate in the 15th District, is a professor at Oakland Community College. In our interview, she takes us through her grassroots effort of getting her name out to the voters of northwestern Oakland County. Contact her at www.PamJackson4statesenate.com

Direct download: Pam_Jackson-State_Senate_Candidate_District_15.MP3

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Maurer Marketing Minutes #4-Sara Kravitz-Balance Communications

Maurer Marketing Minutes #4-Sara Kravitz-Balance Communications
sb kravitz Press Releases are often referred to as “earned media” or free publicity that gets you and your company noticed in print and broadcast markets. According to Sara Kravitz, Marketing Communications Specialist and owner of Balance Communications, getting that news published in the local newspapers and online is the best form of self-promotion. Sara gives do-it-yourself tips on how to write a press release and develop content for a website. Contact her at sarakravitz@sbcglobal.net, or by phone at 248-787-9854.
Direct download: Sara_Kravitz-Balance_Communications.MP3

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Maurer Marketing Minutes #3-Mike Passmore-Edward Jones Investments

Maurer Marketing Minutes #3-Mike Passmore-Edward Jones Investments

Passmore photo Three years ago, Michael Passmore went to work at Edward Jones as a financial advisor. He soon discovered that, to his amazement, he enjoyed their rather old-fashioned way of prospecting for new clients. Will this work for you? Contact Mike at 586-421-0934, toll free at 877-421-0964 or email Michael.passmore@edwardjones.com.

Direct download: MMM-3-Edward_Jones-Mike_Passmore.MP3

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Maurer Marketing Minutes #2-Dan Walker-River’s End Consulting

Maurer Marketing Minutes #2-Dan Walker-River's End Consulting
Web_Dan-Walker Dan Walker, President of River’s End Consulting, doesn’t just take anyone to be his client. Influenced by the process named the “Red Velvet Rope Policy”, taken from the book, “Book Yourself Solid” by Michael Port, Dan has adapted a unique way for picking and screening his potential clients. With over twenty years of corporate experience, Dan is a business trainer and mentor. He is also the author of “the Customer’s Way”, which presents a novel approach to building better customer relations. Dan can be reached by email at dan@riversendconsulting.com, or by phone at 248-770-2554 or visit his website at www.RiversEndConsulting.com
Direct download: MMM-2-Dan_Walker-Rivers_End_Consulting.mp3

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Maurer Marketing Minutes #1-Face Reading by Lin-Lin Klaassen

Maurer Marketing Minutes #1-Face Reading by Lin-Lin Klaassen

2. Lin Today’s Maurer Marketing Minutes features Lin Klaassen, one of the top five face reading experts of our time. For the past 18 years, she has been known as an innovative author, trainer, teacher, speaker, jury consultant and entertainer. When she first started out, people told her “Face Reading By Lin” wasn’t the right name for her business. They said it was “too long” and not “catchy enough”. In our interview, Lin tells how she didn’t take their advice.

It’s not too difficult to find Lin! Visit her website at www.FaceReadingByLin.com, contact her on Facebook: Face Reading By Lin, You Tube: facereadingbylin, LinkedIn: Lin Klaassen or email her at FaceReadingByLin@aol.com. Or contact her at 586-773-4230.

Direct download: MMM-1-Face_Reading_by_Lin-Lin_Klaassen.mp3