Thursday, July 29, 2010
Maurer Marketing Minutes #14-Bob DiTomasso-Shot by Bob
Bob DiTomasso, owner of Robert DiTomasso Photography, has two taglines that are examples of pure branding genius: “Get Shot by Bob” and “for a price, I’ll shoot your relatives”. It’s humorous, memorable and gets a lot of attention at tradeshows and networking events. In our interview, Bob talks about how using the slogans have increased his business and some of the reaction to it. See samples of his work at He can be reached at 248-941-4859 or email
Direct download: MMM-14-Bob_DiTommaso-Shot_by_Bob.mp3
Monday, July 26, 2010
Maurer Marketing Minutes #13-David Haslam-HMSI Publishing
You’ve taken the time to write your book. Now what? There are three ways to get that book published: you can get lucky enough to have a big publishing house behind you; you can self-publish; or you can go through an author-funded publisher. David Haslam, President of HMSI Publishing, and author of “The Twitter Workbook”, discusses the challenges an author faces in getting their book published, distributed and promoted. Contact David at 734-259-0387, email at or visit his website at
Direct download: MMM-13-David_Haslam-HMSI_Publishing.mp3
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Maurer Marketing Minutes #12-Kevin VanDette-Affordable Website Specialists
In this interview, Kevin VanDette of Affordable Websites clears up the confusion surrounding the use of a website or a blog – or both – to promote your business. He tells us the differences in the two and how to determine which option would best suit your situation. You can reach Kevin at 248-884-5267, email at or visit his website at
Direct download: MMM-12-Kevin_VanDette-Affordable_Website_Specialists.mp3
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Maurer Marketing Minutes #11-Bernie Stevens-BSA Events & Entertainment
When I first met Bernie Stevens, President of BSA Events & Entertainment, he was just starting out in his business. Over the past 25 years, he has gone from working out of his home to working out of two offices in two different states. When he first used direct mail campaigns, the labels were typed using a typewriter. Bernie’s tells us how direct mail options have changed and how he prioritizes his networking to capture his target market. I caught up with him in his Ohio office, just before he left for Las Vegas. You can reach him at 1-800-4-BERNIE or visit his website at
Direct download: MMM-11-Bernie_Stevens-BSA_Events.mp3
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Maurer Marketing Minutes #10-Sandy Barris-Marketing Expert
Sandy Barris, "The Measureable Marketing Madman" and author of "97 Marketing Secrets", discusses the value of creating a marketing plan, in addition to your business plan. Whether you seek funding or want to identify and target your potential clients, a marketing plan is an essential tool. Sandy can be reached at 248-335-8080 or visit his website at:
Direct download: MMM-10-Sandy_Barris-Marketing_Expert.mp3
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Maurer Marketing Minutes #9-Diane Dunn-Harpist & Author
Maurer Marketing Minutes #9-Diane Dunne-Harpist & Children's Author
A few years ago, harpist and children’s author Diane Dunn wanted to diversify her entertainment business into the corporate community. So she hired a publicist and joined a couple chambers of commerce. Diane’s business soon tripled and now she’s having way too much fun! You can’t help but smile as you listen to all her adventures. Contact her at 313-938-9847, email:, visit her website: . Read about her lost and found harp: Http://
Direct download: MMM-9-Diane_Dunn-Harpist.mp3
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Maurer Marketing Minutes #8-Natalie DeLeo-Mortgage Resource Plus
Maurer Marketing Minutes #8-Natalie DeLeo-Mortgage Resource Plus
Following in the footsteps of her father Jerry, Natalie DeLeo has mastered the art of cultivating “clients for life”. As a loan consultant and marketing director at Mortgage Resource Plus, she has relied on word-of-mouth referrals for over 25 years, as her company does not advertise its services. She believes that “in today’s competitive marketplace, not only should you be delivering beyond the clients’ expectations, you must be able to become a great resource for your clients’ needs”. During our interview, Natalie explains how she does just that. She is an author and is featured in the book, “30 Day Total Business Makeover” published by Minesh Baxi. To find out more information about Natalie, email her at or call 248-642-4600 Ext 110.
Direct download: Natalie DeLeo-Mortgage Resource Plus
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Maurer Marketing Minutes #7-Natalie Brundred Personal Coach at Spark
Maurer Marketing Minutes #7-Natalie Brundred-Personal Coach at Spark
“I believe success in life – however we define it – is an inside job. It begins with knowing who we are as an individual and consciously designing a life we find satisfying and fulfilling”, says Natalie Brundred of Spark. She has been a Personal Coach for over 30 years. In our interview, Natalie recommends doing the “inner work” to find our unique purpose and passion then melding that with the product or service that you provide to your customers. To learn more about her “True Purpose Process”, visit her website at or email at or phone 248-390-4191.
Direct download: Maurer Marketing Minutes #7-Natalie Brundred-Personal Coach at Spark