Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Maurer Marketing Minutes #36-Jean Tobin Zawlocki-“Help! My company is going out of business! What do I do now?”

Maurer Marketing Minutes #36-Jean Tobin Zawlocki-"Help! My company is going out of business! What do I do now?

PhotoAfter 22 years in the Human Resource industry, Jean Tobin Zawlocki wrote “Help! My Company is Going Out of Business, What Do I Do Now?” What she didn’t realize is that when you finish the book and it is published, the author has to self-promote the book. Without hiring a Public Relations professional or a working knowledge of social media options, Jean has found that getting the word out about the book is taking “three times longer than I ever imagined”. Hear about my newest client’s adventures in self-promotion. Contact her at or view her profile at

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Maurer Marketing Minutes #35-Brian Golden-Public Access TV-S.W.O.C.C.

Maurer Marketing Minutes #35-Brian Golden-Public Access TV-SWOCC

Brian GoldenThe U.S. Constitution’s first amendment guarantees our right to freedom of speech. Public access television is the government’s way to give citizens a means to voice their ideas and ideals. Locally, SWOCC (the Southwestern Oakland Cable Commission) has a state-of-the-art facility that is open to residents of Farmington, Farmington Hills and Novi, but there are facilities available all over the country open to the public. Brian Golden, the Chair of the SWOCC Public Access Promotion Committee and the owner/producer at f/x Video Productions, explains how to use the public access studios to produce your own television program. Contact Brian at 248-701-8112, email, or his website

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Maurer Marketing Minutes #34-Aaron Beals-Ring Ring

Maurer Marketing Minutes #34-Aaron Beals-Ring Ring


DSC_2311Aaron Beals of Ring Ring LLC, promotes creative marketing through toll-free vanity telephone numbers. These numbers are effective as a branding tool to make your advertising memorable no matter what media you are using: internet, radio, television, newspapers or magazines. He can be reached at 866-RingRing or visit his website at

Direct download: MMM-34-Aaron_Beals-RingRing.mp3
